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- The Experts community includes person profiles from all Pure Portals who has agreed to share their person profiles. The Experts community contains around 90,000 profiles.
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Susanne Suvanto
- Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Honorary Research Fellow
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Honorary
James Levine
- Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Work Package 4 Lead (Indoor Air Quality Emissions & Modelling System)
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Hiroki Shin
- History and Cultures - 125th Anniversary Fellow - Associate Professor in History of Energy and Environm
Person: Academic
Helen Onyeaka
- Chemical Engineering - Associate Professor
- Birmingham Institute for Sustainability and Climate Action
Person: Academic
Natanael Favero Bolson
- Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing Technology Centre/ Birmingham Manufacturing Fellows
Person: Academic
Emma Ferranti
- Civil Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Future Transport Systems
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic
Thomas Pugh
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Reader in Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange
- BIFoR - Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
Person: Academic