Sunrise on Research



Steven Hale from the University of Birmingham has been named overall winner of the #TechniciansMakeitHappen competition. The winning image captures a sunrise over the world-famous Mt Wilson Observatory in Los Angeles. The competition was launched in 2016 by The Gatsby Foundation to encourage more young people to consider a career as a technician, as over 70,000 roles go unfilled each year in the UK. More than 300 photos were entered into the competition, showcasing the amazing things technicians build, make and create – from space equipment to sports kit, concerts and cars.

Image caption: "Sunrise above the clouds at Mount Wilson Observatory in California marks First Light on a new automated solar telescope. The image shows a new robotic mount installed at the top of the observatory 60-foot tower, where two telescopes capture light from the Sun. The telescope on the right houses a camera using intelligent machine vision to guide the mount following the movement of the Sun. The telescope on the left transmits sunlight along an optical fibre into a solar spectrometer in the observing room below. The system measures solar oscillations – sound waves that pass through the very core of the Sun and reveal the secrets of its deep interior that would otherwise be hidden behind the bright solar surface."
Date made available3 May 2017
PublisherGatsby Charitable Foundation Trust
Date of data production3 May 2017
Geospatial point34.224111,-118.059Show on map
  • #TechniciansMakeitHappen Prize

    Hale, S. (Recipient), 3 May 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


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