The future of delusions

Press/Media: Press / Media


The accusation “you’re deluded” is often used as something of a cheap shot intended to silence an opponent in debate. But what is the nature of a delusion and how can we assess rationality and irrationality? In this podcast, Owen Bennett-Jones talks to Professor Lisa Bortolotti 

Period5 Apr 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePodcast: The future of delusions
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletThe New Book Network
    Media typeRadio
    Duration/Length/Size50 mins
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe accusation “you’re deluded” is often used as something of a cheap shot intended to silence an opponent in debate. But what is the nature of a delusion and how can we assess rationality and irrationality? In this podcast, Owen Bennett-Jones talks to Professor Lisa Bortolotti
    Producer/AuthorOwen Bennett Jones
    PersonsLisa Bortolotti


  • delusions