How to give young people agency in mental health

Press/Media: Press / Media


For young people struggling with their mental health, those early conversations with practitioners can change everything.

For some, they can even be ‘make or break’, meaning the difference between a young person getting the support that they need, or never seeking help again.

The Agency project explores young people’s sense of agency during mental health interactions.

We want to use this podcast to tell you about what we’ve learned, as we believe it could help practitioners during their encounters with young people, and lead to better outcomes.

Find out more about the Agency project on the McPin project page:

Period19 Nov 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleHow to give young people agency in mental health
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletMcPin Foundation
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionFor young people struggling with their mental health, those early conversations with practitioners can change everything.

    For some, they can even be ‘make or break’, meaning the difference between a young person getting the support that they need, or never seeking help again.

    That’s why giving them a sense of agency – the capacity to act independently and make their own choices – during these interactions is so vital.

    Plus, it’s been shown time and time again that feeling empowered in this way can make a huge impact on improving outcomes for people on their mental health journey.
    PersonsLisa Bortolotti


  • agency
  • youth mental health