Panel chair: Graphically Graphic Art: The Making of Modern Print Erotica, 1850-1950

  • Smith, C. (Organiser)
  • Zeb Tortorici (Contributor)
  • Tania Cleaves (Contributor)
  • Paul Horntrich (Contributor)
  • Leon Janssens (Contributor)

Activity: Academic and Industrial eventsConference, workshop or symposium


14.30-14.40: Opening comments Abbey Rees-Hales & Camilla Smith

14.40-15.10: Leon, Janssens, Under the Empire of Feelings’: The Belgian porn ban, 1891
15.15-15.45: Arundhati Dasgupta, Dirty Picture: Erotic prints of Bengal in the late 19th and early 20th century
15.50-16.20: BREAK
16.20-16.50: Zeb Tortorici, Pornographic Traversals: Erotic novelettes, ‘obscene’ images and grassroots archiving in Mexico
16.55-17.25: Tania Cleaves, Touchy Subjects: (Photo)graphic representations of interwar British nudism
17.25-17.55: Paul M. Horntrich, The Lure of the West: Consumer culture, modernity and the making of print erotica in post-Second World War Austria
Period14 Apr 202117 Apr 2021
Event titleAssociation of Art Historians : Graphically Graphic Art: The Making of Modern Print Erotica, 1850-1950
Event typeConference
LocationBirmingham , United KingdomShow on map