All grants listed here

Activity: Other


PI: Software Engineering project phase 2, University of Birmingham, 01/04/24-30/11/24

PI: Software Engineering project phase 1, University of Birmingham, 01/08/23-31/03/24

PI: NERC GW4+ DTP PhD Studentship (NE/S007504/1 , 2697077) 2022-2026
Co-I Nigel Meredith (BAS)

PI: NERC Independent Research Fellowship @ University of Exeter (NE/V013963/1) 2021-2026

Co-PI / Researcher Co-I: STFC Consolidated Grant, Northumbria Uni. (ST/W000369/1) 2021-2025
PI Prof. Clare Watt (Northumbria University)

High performance Computing proposals as follows
Total: 7.68 million cpu hours ~ £63,200 cash equivalent

PI: UKRI archer/archer2 HPC projects, 2019-2023 (NE/P01738X/1)
Co-Is C.E.J. Watt, H. Ratcliffe
100 M Allocation Units ~ 6.8M cpuh ~£56,000
PI: 11th call UKRI STFC DiRAC facility, 2019-20 (ACSP189):
Co-Is C.E.J. Watt, H. Ratcliffe
600k cpuh ~ £4,900
PI: 10th call UKRI STFC DiRAC facility, 2018-19 (ACSP152):
Co-Is C.E.J. Watt, H. Ratcliffe
280k cpuh ~ £2,300
Period2018 → …
Degree of RecognitionInternational